Every store today seems to offer a similar deal: sign up for a credit card and save (insert amount) % off your purchase instantly! It is always a tempting offer to immediately have the satisfaction of a major percentage off, however, many of us have to decline because we do not want the hassle of 15 different credit cards in my wallet (of the interest rates, bills, etc.). It seems as if every store or company is constantly offering different packages, deals and membership all designed to benefit the customer. The problem is, do they all actually help us? Are they worth it?
Though multiple store credit cards sound like a potential recipe for disaster, or at least a lot of paperwork, there are definitely some plans that are worth it. One such example is the Preferred Customer Maintenance Agreements of Thermal Services for your heating, cooling and plumbing needs. There are varying levels of service depending upon your needs. The major benefits in each plan include a heating inspection, a cooling inspection, priority service and discounts on emergency service calls. The amount of discount depends on the level of plan.Â
Are these plans worth it? Well, if you want to keep your furnace and air conditioner up to date efficiency wise and safety wise; the answer is YES! Furnace and air conditioner inspections increase the life span and efficiency of the unit by staying on top of any no major issues that may arise or cause a danger to your home and your family. In the end, keeping your home and family safe.
Maintenance agreements allow for you to eliminate the worry about your heating, cooling and plumbing systems with priority service, even on weekends and holidays. Priority means that if your furnace breaks in the middle of January and you are shivering, you will be at the top of the list for repair. When the temperatures are breaking 90 and 100 degrees in the summer and your family is over for your son’s birthday party, you can rest assured that if the air conditioner goes out, it will be repaired quickly by professional and highly-trained technicians. On top of priority service, you will receive discounts on the emergency service calls, regular service calls and any needed repairs.Â
A maintenance plan may not be for everyone. However, in order to have peace of mind in your home and wallet, and make sure you are getting the most our of your furnace and air conditioner, a maintenance plan will keep you covered. Â